Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity 9th Edition Chapter 8 Study Guide

Handouts by Chapter Number
Textbook: Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity (4th Edition) by Kotz and Treichel
Textbook: ISBN 0030237629 / Study Guide: ISBN 0030237947
Refer to the SPHS Webpage for the daily schedule.

Note: I'm re-vamping my handouts to the most up-to-date versions. Jump to: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | Mid |
| 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | PredRxn | NChO |

1 - Matter and Measurement
Study Cards Use "AP1" (ignore 1 / save 14 & 16 for Ch 6 / save 20 for Ch 2) | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Handouts Element Flashcards - Page 1 | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Element Flashcards - Page 2 | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Safety Rules | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Math Skills Study List | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Math Skills Pre-Test | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Math Skills Pre-Test Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
AP Expectations | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 1 Study Questions | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Scientific Notation & Unit Analysis | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Chemical & Physical Properties | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Significant Figure Calculation Notes | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Time Problems & Dimensional Analysis | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Time Problems & Dimensional Analysis Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Demos/Labs Nitric Acid Acts Upon Copper | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Density Lab | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Chromatography Lab | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Density of Sodas | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Galilean Thermometer | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Test Prep Ch 1 Bluffer's Guide | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 1 Practice Test | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 1 Practice Test Annotated Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |

2 - Atoms and Elements
Study Cards Use "AP1" #20 and "AP3" | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Handouts Atomic Structure Lecture Notes | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Isotopes Problem Set | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Isotopes Prob Set Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
The Nuclear Atom (Guided Inquiry Activity) | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Periodic Table Simulation | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Periodic Table Simulation Elements | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Video Notes | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 2 Study Questions | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Demos/Labs Gas Discharge Tube | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Beam of Electrons 1 | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Beam of Electrons 2 | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Test Prep Ch 2 Study List | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 2 Practice Test | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 2 Practice Test Annotated Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |

3 - Molecules and Compounds
Study Cards Use "AP2" /#1-8 and "GC7" /#1 - 12 (save 8, 9 & 10 for Ch 5) | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Handouts Ion Flash Cards--First 20 | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ion Flash Cards--Second 20 | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ion Flash Cards--Third 20 | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Online Ion Flash Cards (all 66) | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Organize Your Ions | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ion List (40 ions) | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Molar Mass & Percent Composition | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Molar Mass & % Composition Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Mole Calculation Practice | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Mole Calculation Practice Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Writing Formulas & Naming Compounds | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Writing Formulas & Naming Compounds Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 3 Study Questions | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Hydrates Problems | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Hydrates Problems Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Quick Check 1 | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Demos/Labs Hydrate Demo/Lab | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Hydrate Lab Picture (heating the crucible--notice the set-up) | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Hydrate Lab Picture (before and after--memorize the colors) | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Hydrate Lab Picture (measurements taken after everything cools) | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Handboiler Lab | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Test Prep Ch 3 Study List | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 3 Nine Station Review | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 3 Nine Station Review Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 3 FRQ Practice | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 3 FRQ Practice Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 3 Practice Test | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 3 Practice Test Annotated Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |

4 - Chemical Equations and Stoichiometry
Study Cards Use "AP2" /#9-21 | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Handouts Combustion Equations | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Combustion Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Balancing Equations | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Balancing Equations Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Mole Video Worksheet | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Stoichiometry Problem Set | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Stoichiometry Problem Set Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 4 Study Questions | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Chemical Analysis | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Chemical Analysis Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Show Work Mini-Worksheet | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Quick Check #1 | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Demos/Labs Micro Mole Rockets | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Decomposition of HgO | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Decomposition of HgO Picture (before heating--orange HgO) | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Decomposition of HgO Lab Picture (balloon captures oxygen gas) | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Decomposition of HgO Lab Picture (orange solid has decomposed) | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Decomposition of HgO Lab (See the droplets of Hg as they cool) | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Test Prep Ch 4 Study List | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 4 Nine Station Review | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 4 Nine Station Review Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 4 FRQ Practice | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 4 FRQ Practice Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 4 Practice Test | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 4 Practice Test Annotated Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |

5 - Reactions in Aqueous Solution
Study Cards Use "AP7", "AP8" and "GC7"/#8, 9 and 10 | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Handouts Reaction Types | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Reaction Types Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Precipitation Practice #1 | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Precipitate Practice #1 Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 5 Study Questions | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Stuff I Should Know For the AP Test | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Naming Acids | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Naming Acids Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Acids & Gas Forming Equations | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Acids & Gas Forming Equations Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Quick Check #1 | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Quick Check #2 | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Molarity | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Molarity Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Oxidation Numbers & Redox | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Oxidation Numbers & Redox Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Redox Video Worksheet | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Quick Check #3 | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Demos/Labs Precipitate Lab | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Precipitate Lab Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Baggie Lab | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Cabbage Lab | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Introduction to Redox | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Test Prep Ch 5 Study List | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 5 Nine Station Review | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 5 Nine Station Review Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 5 FRQ Practice | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 5 FRQ Practice Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 5 Practice Test | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 5 Practice Test Annotated Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |

6 - Energy and Chemical Reactions
Study Cards Use "AP12"/#1 - #4, #7 and #8 | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Handouts Calorimetry | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Calorimetry Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 6 Study Questions | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Heating Curve Calculations | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Heating Curve Calculation Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Online Tutorial on Heating Curves | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Hess's Law (Needs Revision-- Use LIQUID water) | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Hess's Law Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
NChO Practice Problems | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
NChO Practice Problems Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Quick Check #1 | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Demos/Labs Heat of Fusion | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Lab Calculation Example & Notes | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Test Prep Ch 6 Study List | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 6 Nine Station Review | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 6 Nine Station Review Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 6 FRQ Practice | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 6 FRQ Practice Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 6 Practice Test | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Ch 6 Practice Test Annotated Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |

Summer School Final Study Materials
Test Prep Summer Study List | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Summer Nine-Station Review | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Summer Nine-Station Review Answers | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |
Online Practice of All 66 Ions | Word | Acrobat | Picture | Link |

Title Midterm Examination
Study Cards Applicable Study Cards are all of AP1 - AP7, AP8 (ignore #10, 11, 12), AP9, AP10, AP12 (only #2, 7, 8, 9, 10), AP23
Handouts Answers to the 9-Station Review [Word | Acrobat].
Practice Test Online Practice Midterm
Each chapter above has a Practice Test.

Title Chapter 17 -- Acid-Base Equilibria
Study Cards There are no study cards for this chapter
Ch 17 Bluffer's Guide [Word | Acrobat]
Links pH Quiz--Match these 14 common substances with their approximate pH's.
Handouts Ch 17 Study Questions [Word | Acrobat]
Josh Wang pointed out a mistake in the Ch 17 Study Guide Question #20.
In the answers, the authors forgot to change the Ka into the Kb.
The Kb should be 2.5 x 10-5. The "x" = [OH-] = .002958; pOH = 2.53; pH = 11.47
pH Practice Worksheet [Word | Acrobat] and Answers (.jpg)
pH Calculations Worksheet [Word | Acrobat] and Answers (.jpg) [Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4]
Practice Test Ch 17 AP Practice Problem [Word | Acrobat] and Answer (.GIF)
Ch 17 Practice Test [Word | Acrobat] & Answers (.GIF) [Page 1 | Page 2 | Scratch Paper]
Ch 17 NChO questions [Word | Acrobat] & Answers (.GIF) [Page 1 | Page 2]

Title Chapter 22 -- Main Group Elements
Study Cards There are no study cards for this topic. Everything in this chapter is good. Especially look at questions 4 & 5 from the Study Questions. I would make flashcards of these ideas.
Links How A Blast Furnace Works (reduction of iron oxide)
Handouts Study Questions [Word | Acrobat]
Practice Chapter 22 Practice Test [Word | Acrobat]

Title Chapter 23 -- Transition Elements
Study Cards There are no study cards for this topic. The big idea is learning about the structure and naming of complex ions (coordination compounds). The central atom is usually a transition metal atom surrounded by ligands (Lewis bases).
Links Chemistry: The Science in Context Tutorials (Look at Crystal Field Splitting)-- Do not worry about the details (math or specific orbitals) but how the five d-orbitals can have different energies and therefore absorb visible light.
Handouts Study Questions [Word | Acrobat]
Practice There is no practice test for this chapter... yet. Watch this space.

Title NChO Practice Exams
NChO 1999 Answers (.GIF) [ Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 ]
NChO 2000 NChO 2000 Exam and Answers (.GIF) [ Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 ]
NChO 2001 NChO 2001 Exam and Answers (.jpg) [ Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 ]
NChO 2002 NChO 2002 Exam and Answers (.GIF) [ Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5 | Page 6 | Page 7 | Page 8 ]
NChO 2003 NChO 2003 Exam and Answers (.GIF) [ Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5 | Page 6 | Page 7 | Page 8 | Page 9 | pipette (.jpg) ]
NChO 2004 NChO 2004 Exam and Annotated Answers [Word | Acrobat]
NChO 2005 NChO 2005 Exam and Annotated Answers [Word | Acrobat]
NChO 2006 NChO 2006 Exam and Annotated Answers [Word | Acrobat]
NChO 2007 NChO 2007 Exam and Annotated Answers [Word | Acrobat]
NChO 2007 NChO 2008 Exam and Annotated Answers [Word | Acrobat]

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Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity 9th Edition Chapter 8 Study Guide


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